Achieve Success in the Show Ring with Animal Communication

by Anna Twinney

If you enjoyed this article and want more tips, tricks, and adventures in Animal Communication, join my newsletter, Diary of a Horse Whisperer, by clicking here and subscribing:

A Grateful Kind of Life

Follow along the journey of ROTH Certified Trainer, Carmen Brander, as she hears the call of the horse and follows her heart all the way!

When the opportunity presented itself to participate in a Reach Out To Horses, colt starting clinic, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.  I had a ton of questions running through my head.  Who were these ROTH people, what were these methods and would I be able to understand them, let alone apply them? My nervousness soon subsided once the clinic began as I found myself fully immersed in a comprehensive and compassionate training program.  The days were long and packed full of information, I tried to soak in as much as possible.  Although, challenging and strenuous at times; as the days came to an end, I found myself bright eyed and seeking more. I would run home beaming, to tell my partner about all the things that I had learned that day, eager with anticipation to return the next day.

Needless to say, I was hooked.

Every clinic I participated in the years to follow would shape me and push me in a way that I did not know I needed. Each horse I encountered inspired me to become more creative with my training. They challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and drove me to take a deeper understanding of who they are – who they really are.

Allowing horses to show up as they are has been one of the most rewarding and treasured gifts I have had the privilege of understanding.  Not seeking to simply “change” them but rather understand them and support them – has changed my outlook entirely.

I have gained so much from this program – more than I could ever put onto paper.  I have gained friends that I consider family, that stretch not only across the United States but all around the world. I heightened my ability to recognize and celebrate even the smallest moments.  Among all the things that I have gained through my journey with Reach Out To Horses, perhaps the most important, has been a deeper understanding of myself, with each horse as my guide and master teacher.

I am grateful for this next step in my horse career and owe so much to all the people that have helped and supported me along the way. My deepest gratitude goes to Anna, for seeing me, truly seeing me and for paving the way for the next generation of trust based, kind, compassionate horsemanship.  I am forever grateful for this tribe.

xo, Carmen 

« It feels good to remember your soul’s contract » By Safia Khider

The first time I read these words I was already an intern at Anna Twinney’s ranch. I remember thinking how lucky I was to read them and felt as if they had been written for me… I was five years old when my heart started to remember but my brain did not know what to do with it. At the time, horses would flood my mind for a reason I couldn’t comprehend as no one in my family was close to these animals. By the age of twelve I was reading all the horse magazines that I could find, my room was a horse museum, and I knew the skeleton of the horse by heart. My obsession to get close to horses pushed me to write a very naive letter to one particular French horse magazine in which I shared my sadness in not living my passion. My mum inadvertently read it before mailing it and decided then to help me. My sisters and I got riding lessons during summer time outside of town, but everything about the riding school felt opposite to what I had dreamt of up to then. I didn’t want my mum to be disappointed so I never told her anything. I would go there with a heavy heart, disliking the riding part, and only liking the time spent on the ground brushing the horses and just being with them. The way we were told to interact with horses felt wrong. I was particularly keen on getting to know this pony called “Crinière pâle” (meaning “Fair Mane”) who was extremely aggressive in his stall and highly energized once on his back. I wanted to understand why he was like that but the only response from the staff was that I needed to boss him around.

Being an animal lover, my heart broke a million times watching equines suffer from the violence inflicted on them in the streets of Casablanca in Morocco. From my bedroom window, I would watch the carriages and wonder how I could help the horses, mules and donkeys. I still have a fresh souvenir of the day I saw this grey horse pulling a carriage and in my mind I made a promise that one day I would come back to help them.

What I didn’t know is how much my writing would affect my life. After sending that letter to the French horse magazine, I wrote to the New Zealand Embassy in France because I was horrified by my latest discovery: that helicopters were killing the Kaimanawas, feral horses in New Zealand. I got a response that they would follow up on it and I started realising that writing could have an impact. I then fell in love with the incredible story of a horsewoman called Jacqueline Ripart (also an author) who had decided to observe and study feral horses in Namibia. I wrote to her and she later became a friend who introduced me to two amazing people in the horse world, who have since inspired me to follow the call of the horses: Jean Louis Gouraud, famous equine editor and writer and Saskia Machaczek, equine consultant and horse instructor/coach. I was by then mostly involved in the editing/communication business in Paris, but the little girl in me still secretly hoped to get into the world of horses to be with them. The feeling of belonging to their world had never left me but personal matters had forced me into choosing a path made of « reasonable decisions » in pursuit of a stable, financial situation. Thanks to Saskia who became my first instructor in natural horsemanship, I would get weekends with horses, either training for endurance races or just going on trails with her.

I had happy moments but I wasn’t happy or fulfilled, and my heart kept asking me the same questions « who am I? » « what is the point of all this? » « what is my purpose? »… When I shared these questions with friends thinking they too had the same queries, they would urge me to focus on what I had: a great job and an amazing boyfriend. It was all true in appearance but I knew deep down inside something was out of alignment. What started as a whisper became so loud I couldn’t shush it anymore and had to act. I knew horses would be a part of my future, I just didn’t know where to begin… The start of a new life in Morocco was also the end of my professional and personal life in Paris. Making this hard decision allowed the voice in me to speak. And from then on, it spoke louder and louder. I started working at a horse club in Marrakech and did so for almost 4 years (out of which 2 were volunteering). The drive and passion I had for horses came back a million times stronger than when I was a little girl. It was so intense, it shadowed all the other emotions I should have felt at the time, it was a clear cut from my past life. A mission in my head started to form: get the right teacher to do better by and for the horses in Morocco. That’s when the Universe orchestrated my meeting with Anna Twinney through the book « Horse as teacher », handed over by my mum, who turned out again to be one of the Universe’s gifts to put me on my path. An avid reader of anything and everything around natural horsemanship, I was already way into one particular book. Yet, as soon as I saw « Horse as teacher », I felt the urge to simply drop everything and dive into this one. Among several stories of incredible horsewomen, Anna Twinney’s stood out. Her words « giving a voice to the voiceless » touched me to the core, and her deep connection to her mustang Excalibur as well as their encounter left me breathless. Without giving it a second thought, I emailed her and again, the act of writing a letter impacted the next chapter in my life. And wonder of all wonders, she did email me back. She could not accept me as an intern unless I had had her training, which made sense to me. Because of my unstable financial situation, I simply couldn’t afford the training. I then offered to welcome her to Morocco to show her how people trained with horses. She said yes on one condition: that I would organize a demo for her to do, and I would make sure we would have the press there. We did and it was incredible to have her with her husband Vin and their child Joseph with us! Anna’s expertise combined with her kindness shone throughout her stay. I was overjoyed when at the end of it, she decided to welcome me at her ranch in Colorado as an intern for 3 months and offer me the HHC Foundation of her training (Holistic Horsemanship Comprehensive Foundation). I went there in September 2016 and it was a dream come true! What is also amazing is that I had kept a journal of what was happening a year prior to this, asking for the Universe to bring me an opportunity of studying with a teacher of her caliber in exchange for my work in the US. How amazing that again writing my wishes was proving to be so powerful!

Doing the foundation HHC of ROTH showed me the level of compassion that Anna was having with equines, which I had never experienced before. It was never about using but about collaborating, never about dominating but about inviting. A new world of possibilities had opened up in my mind, but most of all, my heart was content for the very first time. After this, Anna decided to offer me the full training up to the instructorship. Unfortunately, I was stopped at the US border and asked to get a proper visa. Anna and Vin took a lawyer and for a year and a half battled to get me a 2 year visa. In the meantime, I worked in a private stable, met my fiancé and waited impatiently for Anna’s news. When she broke the news of my coming, I was thrilled but I also knew I would be leaving behind me my family as well as my horses, cats and dogs. During these 2 years, I learned so much about myself, about my flaws and qualities, about how to be a better horsewoman. I can now say that Anna has given me skills that I can sharpen more and more if I keep putting my heart in it. I can also say that I learned that I cannot love horses or any other being on this planet if I don’t love myself. My life lesson hit me by the end of my second year when my body could not undergo any more physical work as I had demanded too much of it. I had been warned, time and time again, by everyone that I should slow down, give it some rest. But I couldn’t. It was second nature for me to just keep going. My body had to break down for me to understand that I would lose everything if I did not pause. Cutting my stay short to go back home forced me into rethinking everything: my choices, my needs, my life. It had been such an honour to be with Anna’s herd as well as with her other animals. It had been such a joy to be with Anna’s family, who felt like a second family to me, that it did break my heart to leave so suddenly. But there was no choice. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Coming back to Morocco, the words from a magnet Anna had given me are still in my head « I am far from what I once was but I am nowhere near who I am going to be. »

I don’t know what the Universe has in store for me, I just know that my focus is now on being of service to the equines in Morocco thanks to the precious knowledge I have gained.

With ROTH, Anna has helped me remember my soul’s contract, and for that, I am forever grateful!

Beyond Grateful

Success and Inspiration

The testimonials have come flooding in and we are feeling Beyond Grateful for the kind words of our readers and horse people who have committed to developing a trust-based partnership founded in an understanding of one another’s needs.  Enjoy!

beyondthebarn (002)


Anna’s new book arrived about two weeks ago and I read it, and now my mom is reading it, soon to be followed by my best friend!  Thank you, Anna, for your knowledge of the horse and your ability to help give people a shift to the horse’s perspective!  I’m feeling pretty happy to have you in the horse world.

Gian S.

Sonoma County

I am reading this book right now. Anna’s methods and thoughtfulness will change your perspective regarding training and development of your relationship with your horse.  You will grow as a horseman and dive into the “next generation” of Natural Horsemanship. It is a “must-read”🤠💕

Tammy I., CO


Dear Anna,

Katie Dixon just gave me your new book, Beyond the Barn. I love it! Such great detail and information. The “how to’s” which are so helpful, complemented by all the research and years studying horse behavior. Wow…Such a gift to have all that in a book. It’s hard to put down! So grateful💗

Cindy P., OR


Thank you, Anna!

I just received a copy of your book! That is so kind of you, and I can see already how much good and helpful information you’ve included. I’m looking forward to going through it and I imagine that, like your courses, I’ll be returning to it again and again. You pack so much into your offerings. My horses thank you, too!




Anna Twinney, consummate horse-woman and expert intuitive, has put her own words and experiences into a book that is blowing my mind!  Chapter by chapter I am finding myself deeper and deeper into the language of the horse and surprised constantly by what I do not, correction, what I did not know.  Thank goodness for people like Anna who put their work into beautifully written words and a format that even a layman can understand.  My herd of 25 are thanking you already!

With gratitude,

Marie W., CO


I’m reading Anna’s new book Beyond the Barn and wondering where she finds the time for it all.  I took a clinic with her over two years ago and since that day I have been craving more.  Now I have her voice and her wisdom on my shelf where I can keep it for all of time and refer to it as needed.  My Mustang and I thank you for all the work you do in the world and for publishing your work, Anna!

Kathy M., OK


I never buy horse books.  I have found them confusing and often they don’t give very good background information.  Lucky for me I have a good friend who bought this book for me when she learned Anna was publishing it.  I cannot say how happy I am to have this guide, not only the insights into the language that the horses use, but also the practical information that lives within these pages.  And it’s organized in a way that makes it easy to find a chapter when I need a reference and when I’m working with my mare.  I’ve been told that this is only volume one of two so now I can’t wait for that one to come out!  Maybe I will pre-order one for me AND my friend to pay her back for getting me such a great and useful gift of information about my favorite animal on this planet!

Katrina F., ID


Go here to get your copy today!



Friendships Forged in Good Fortune

I first met Anna when I adopted Callisto, a black mustang gelding from Return to Freedom.  I named him Callisto because he has a half moon shaped star on his forehead and Callisto is a moon of Jupiter….(I am an astronomy buff and an environmental scientist).  I hired Anna almost 19 years ago, when she was Monty Roberts head instructor.  Anna taught me how to start a young horse. She would drive to Santa Barbara and show me a few steps on what to do to train Callisto. I would work with him for 2 weeks and then we would start all over again with the next steps.  Most of the time Callisto and I would just play together to build up a trusting bond that we have to this day. He is going to turn 21 this spring, and still going strong!   During the training (of me mostly) Anna and I have become friends,  and I feel like she is one of the few people I know that I can communicate with on just about everything, including very personal things.  I enjoy her visits and welcome her to stay with me when she comes to SB County.
I have since adopted another mustang at the age of 4 months, a blue roan mare from a huge neglect case in SB county, who is now a grand champion jumper in Santa Barbara County, jr. division, and shows dressage.  My latest acquisition is a  black thoroughbred gelding, who raced for one season, and won 2 races.  After retiring from racing,  he was left behind during the Thomas fire, (a huge fire that burned from Ventura County to Santa Barbara.)  in a pasture where he panicked and ran into a tree, breaking his neck. I bailed him out of a financial situation, and took him, broken neck and all, which has now healed.  He will never jump or do dressage, but with training from a young trainer in Buellton, has become a fine trail horse, all 17.1 hands of him. It is taking time for me to adjust from a mustang at 15.1 hands to 17.1.  Since race horses run faster when you pull the reins, I feared, in an emergency, my muscle memory would pull on the reins, so now I ride this big black giant with a hackamore. It is amazing to me what we will do for horses when we are addicted to them.  Horses are my drug, and because of horses, I have met many fine people like Anna.

Natasha Lohmus

If you are looking for more stories of success and friendship, look no further than our Newsletter, Diary of a Horse Whisperer.  Follow the link below to sign up!

Bring the Newsletters to me!

A Message From Behind the Curtain…

Ahoy, Mateys! 

‘Tis I, Lacey, Captain of the ROTHffice!

Most of my friends who know I work for a Horse Whisperer have visions of me out with the horses, riding all day, crossing the western landscape with a cowgirl hat and boots or maybe even working in an indoor.  That is not at all my story.  While I occasionally feed, clean, and fill water tanks, I’m largely an indoor girl. Much of my time at ROTH is spent at my desk, packing shipments, on the phone with clients or hosts, or taking care of the myriad little tasks that supporting a small business requires.  Still, I do have horses and as much as my lifestyle heavily revolved around being on a horse when I was younger, in my older years, I simply wish to keep their company and to learn as much as I can about their language while maybe enjoying a trail ride here and there.

If I were an equine, I’d be a donkey, because you can’t push me. I have to want to do it and only on my schedule.  However, this year I became acutely aware that my chance to attend the HHC here in CO might be drawing to a close because of Anna wanting to bring the course to people around the world.  So after years of watching others go before me and learning what it was that I too wished to learn, 2019 was indeed my time to jump on it, and so I did.

I did not attend Part I of the HHC, but I figured that this many years of working for Anna and her graciously allowing me to attend and volunteer at some of the local clinics meant that I had enough exposure to the ideas and methods that  I could now jump in and “challenge” Part III of the Holistic Horse Course.  And, indeed, “challenged” was the right word to describe my two weeks at Zuma’s, as I struggled with catching up on all the material, all the notes, and the practicals that I had missed.  But however challenging it was for me, I so enjoyed being with everyone there, all the other students who helped me and who were patient with me, and who taught me what they had learned in the first part of their HHC.  Not to mention Katie, Safia, and Gino, who helped me immensely and included me in learning as I became the buddy to watch what it was they were doing so that I had a better idea when it was time for me to try the same.  And my gratitude extends to Anna, for allowing me to join you all while being entirely aware of all the gaps in my ROTH foundation that are simply the result of gathering bits and pieces here and there over the years.  You took those pieces and turned them into a complete and smooth picture for me, one with direction, clarity, and confidence that was entirely lacking before. 

To everyone who accompanied me on the journey and to the teachers, mentors, and horses who led us, THANK YOU and CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS!


The above image is of my allocated horse for the duration of the course, Pumpkin, Cari Simmons, who was handling Pumpkin to keep me safe while I did some blanket prep and spook busting, and myself.  I really fell in love with Pumpkin (and Cari for that matter) and I’m so blessed that I got to work with Pumpkin for those two weeks.

Horse Whispering 101 Returns to Reach Out Ranch in 2020

They came to gain an understanding of horse whispering. They left with:

* comfort around horses

* life lessons beyond their dreams

* reading horses and behavior

* watching and learning the intricacies of the herd’s dynamics

* handling, leading and spook busting a variety of horses

* mindful grooming

* practical horsemanship

* groundwork

* self-development

* horse handling for the veterinarian and chiropractor

* equine nutrition and Dynamite supplements

* reaching their goals & overcoming fears

* insights into medizations

* grounding and breathing exercises

* energy exchange

* liberty and life lessons

*  and they left here wanting more…

Watch below to see our students and their experience with ROTH’s Horse Whispering 101




Early registration for HW 101 is available by emailing

The First Hello

Coal was gathered from the Little Book Cliffs in October of 2018, recently brought to the BLM holding facility and onto auction. His first impressions with humans was unkind; losing his herd, home, and identity. He was adopted on Saturday, by a young lady named Jade, making her dreams come true. This was Coal’s first gentling session with Anna, his first hello and first impression. Less is more in the beginning. Quiet confidence while communicating with a gentle purpose are a few of the key elements to your relationship with a Mustang. “If you ever have the opportunity to spend a day with Anna Twinney, please do. When it comes to connecting with Mustangs she’s one of the very best.”

~ George Brauneis

Mustang Demo with Jade and Cole and Anna

Above, Anna instructs Jade with regards to the Mustang’s unique Language.

Watch below the video of Anna saying Hello to Coal for the first time.  Simply click on the video to watch.

Read the story of how Jade met Coal and the lengths she went to to bring him home with her in this article in The Daily Sentinel:

“During a hike with her grandmother in the Little Book Cliffs last March, Jade Walker caught sight of a magnificent wild horse — a blue-gray beauty with black marks and a long black mane.

The girl was thrilled when the horse came toward her a ways over a small hill. She, in turn, followed him back.

“I think we have a connection somewhere,” Jade said Saturday as the Mustang waited nearby in a pen with other wild horses.”

Read the Rest of the Story Here

This is NOT a Rehearsal. This is NOT a Show. Let the Mustang Demonstration Begin!

We arrived with just 10 minutes to spare having driven over 5 1/2 hours through fog, rain, snow, sleet, and hail to get to Grand Junction, CO, in time to support the Mustangs at the auction and particularly Friends of Horses & Steadfast Steeds with Tracy Harmon Scott and George Brauneis who work hard to give these amazing horses voices and homes.

Follow along for the live streaming of these wild horse 🐎 demonstrations. Part 1 of 4  and catch up on all of the valuable information in these demos that you might have missed.

Mustang Demo with Rango 3 Rango and Anna

Click on the Link to the Video Below to watch the Live Streaming of this event and more!

Watch all of Anna’s Live Streaming over the Weekend with the Mustangs Here


This is not a rehearsal, this is not a show. It’s live from CO! We have never met before and the demonstration begins!

Many mustangs adapt to life away from the range and some find a way to cope. Imagine knowing just how to reignite their spark and to encourage them to wake up – to find a new identity. That’s where I come in. Bringing 20 years of wild horse gentling to them as I recognize the position they find themselves in and offer a chance of expression and understanding.

Shout out to Lani Salisbury and Jill Haase for joining the ROTH team this afternoon. What true troopers they are. Dedication personified.

Ongoing appreciation for George Brauneis and Tracy Harmon Scott for inviting me to join them at this event in support of the Mustangs.

In Gratitude – $1500 Raised for America’s Mustangs!

A BIG and heartfelt THANK YOU to those who joined us on the Western Slope for the weekend of Mustang Horsemanship in cooperation with Steadfast Steeds and also to support Friends of the Mustangs.  We raised $1,500 in support of the Mustangs at Steadfast Steeds.  Thank you to ALL who showed up, who suited up, and especially those who adopted and want to know more.  We salute you!

class image

Sunday at Steadfast Steeds was pretty amazing. The weather was crisp, and we bundled up. The love story of Jade and Cole continued, as Anna did a demo with them together.  Anna demonstrated wild horse gentling and guided participants so they could try out some of her methodologies. It’s such a cool experience to see Anna in action, we absolutely love when she comes to town and shares her gifts with others! Thank you, Anna, for being here again this year! (from our newsletter) We had twelve participants at the clinic.

~Tracy Scott

Mustang Demo with Jade and Cole and Anna.jpg

“My favorite moment from today’s Mustang Gentling Clinic with Anna Twinney!! Coal (who was adopted by Jade yesterday) and Jade are making their first connection as Anna coaches them both.”

~George Brauneis