A Promise Fulfilled


The holidays are a time of reflection, a time for giving and a time for giving thanks for the many gifts we have in our lives.  Well we here at Reach Out to Horses are very thankful and thrilled to tell you that Promise has made it to her happy-ending after all and she is doing just fine. She arrived in France at the end of October and is thoroughly enjoying her new French Horse Paradise (I hear she’s even learning to speak the Language of Equus with a French Accent!).

Promise in FranceHelen and Promise are picking up right where they left off and, after all she has been through, after all she has endured, and after all the lives she has touched, Promise has finally found a home, human companions she can trust, and most of all, the love she truly deserves.

But she would not be where she is today if it weren’t for you.  The outpouring of love, support, assistance and donations were a blessing and we thank you for your generosity.  We were truly amazed at how many people opened their hearts and gave of their hard-earned time and money to give this one special horse the second chance at a new life. Thank you hardly seems adequate, but know that we are all so very grateful.

We also want to thank Matt and the entire crew at IRT USA Transport.  They did a phenomenal job transporting Promise door to door from Colorado to France.  We highly recommend this super team of professionals if you need to fly your horse anywhere in the world!

Promise in FranceA special thank you also goes out to a particular donor who chooses to remain anonymous.  This significantly large gift was beyond generous and made it possible to get Promise to her new home as quickly as we did.

So, the next time you feel down or are frustrated with all the negativity going on in the world today, remember Promise.  Remember all the people that came together for this horse and turned a tragic story into a happy ending.  If we can do this for Promise, just imagine what else we can do for the world.

Thank you.

Wishing you a blessed Holiday season,


If you want to read more about Promise and her Amazing story go to http://www.reachouttohorses.com/promise.html

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