The AC Lounge

Here is your chance to connect and interact with your fellow Tele-Class Participants.  Feel free to share you progress, your stories and your insights through the comments area at the bottom of the page.  The more you engage in the class the more you will get out of it and the more fun you will have!

We can’t wait to hear how things are going for you.

31 thoughts on “The AC Lounge

  1. We are looking for 4 people to call in at the beginning of our animal communication webinar part II. You will be sharing your experiences of the week to do with exercises 1-5. Vin will give you instructions on Tuesday for the chosen 4 – you will need to verify with Vin that you are available and have the info you need. Hint: you will have 2 min to share:)! First come first served – very exciting!!!!!

    1. I sent in a request a couple weeks ago for a reading on my horse for Session 2. She’s Miata, a 20 yr Paso Fino mare with a heavy early life in Performance.

      Did you get it? Or should I resend it?

      Thank you.

      1. Hi Mary. Vin here, yes we did get your request. Thank you for submitting it. We actually moved it for consideration for Week III. We will definitely notify you if you are the lucky person who is picked for the session. Thanks and we look forward to having you on the call tomorrow night.

    2. Vin,
      Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I hope there is still space to call in. I have a question. Can I call and still have the class on my computer?

      Renee’ Strohm

      1. Hi Renee. Are you talking about calling in at the beginning? If you are the answer is, yes we still have room and yes you can have the class on your computer and call in. Only thing to keep in mind is you’ll want to mute your computer or we will hear you echo on a time delay.

  2. This week so far I have had a variety of animals crossing my path. One day, two coyotes were chasing each other, running faster than I have ever seen two dogs run. Seeing a coyote is not very common and I never seen two of them giving chase. Today, a prairie dog ran across the two-track road, which seems very unusual given that it was very cold and wintery today and it is early February.

    I have also been reminded to not go the field (I work with wild horses) with a planned goal. I think this “goal” turned into an agenda somewhere along the way and the wild horses seemed to tell me that they really don’t care about my “goal or agenda”.

    I also worked on understanding and reading my dog “Gertie”. When I was tuned in and listening, she would react to my thoughts before I could even think to speak something verbally. This also happened with my horse “Nigel”. I could think reverse, walk, trot and he would do it before I was able to execute the commands.

  3. Thank you for getting me started on this venture! I went to my two horses (boarding facility, 1/4 acre pasture) and just watched, got close and introduced that I was just there to listen. My stand-offish mare came close on her own (unusual) and my gelding was all there — wouldn’t take his eyes off me. I was a bit overwhelmed at the attention, it was so focused on me. I was a bit tense but just told them I hoped we could just to try to be open to each other and that I had no agenda. I waited awhile. The ‘vibes’ were all good, but I wasn’t aware of them trying to communicate anything particular to me. I thanked them for any willingness to share and told them I’d be back another time to listen to them. It was all about 10 minutes.

  4. First I would like to thank you, Anna and Vin, for such a wonderful introductory class! Going over the recording has helped as well to catch a couple of things I had missed.

  5. I have been trying to be aware of unusual animal occurrences or things in threes, but to date it has not happened. It’s happened in the past – like 2 hawks following me fence post to fence post while I was ponying my horses.
    I have a very strong connection with my two horses and 3 donkeys already so I am trying to figure out if what I can understand they want is because I can just read their expression and body language or if it’s because we are “communicating” on a different level. I do know my mare Tango, who is not terribly interactive, has been brighter eyed and nickering more. I am feeling like she’s happy I’m finally putting effort into understanding her.
    I look forward to the next 5 weeks!

  6. Hi Anna, listening to the recording of your 1st session I was surprised to hear you say the more we WANT to communicate with animals the more that gets in the way! I have been told my black lab bitch is here as an angel watching over me & she certainly does…I’ve been bedbound for a few weeks & she just stays with me for up to 20hrs at a time…..I talk to her all the time & know she understands me.. I guess I know the 2nd reason (apart from wanting to so much) that I am not doing better with communicating with BB or horses is that I cant quieten my mind. I do notice everything when I’m in nature & now its so cold here all the birds have left or are dying! Can we have a list of where people are so we can connect physically like you & I did in Starbucks in Boulder in July – thanks, Sue van Eesteren

  7. Hi Anna, Thank you for such a fascinating first session! A couple of thing stood out for me this week. one of which it may not be possible to verify, and could be imagination but it was fleeting and totally unrelated to my thoughts at the time.

    I was at home listening to your webinar and thinking about my 3 horses. I suddenly “saw” my young mare jump over my old retired gelding causing him to slip and fall over in the snow.

    I have also noticed 4 crows and a Magpie roosting twice in a tree close to my house. Wow – have just looked that up!!

    I have tried to communicate with my elderly and very deaf cat to see how she is feeling having recently lost her lifetime companion. I got a strong sense of feeling/emotion that although she missed her, she was gaining a lot of comfort from my 2 kittens, especially the young female who has taken to grooming her. I felt a feeling of security and value.

    I am looking forward to tomorrows seminar, I would love to put my elderly horse foward for use in one of your sessions. I will email his details seperately if there is any room.

    Sam from England

  8. Hello Anna and Vin,
    Thanks for a great class! I am very much looking forward to the remainder of the course. We have a herd of three at home: One 27 year old Polish Warmblood (out of the old Trakehner breeding), whom I have been riding in Dressage and Jumping, but now only exercise dressage and cross country. The two other ones are 12y and 14y, both Standardbred geldings off the track, whom we adopted and are driving in a carriage and in front of a sleigh. They are a closely knit family now and surprise me constantly with new happenings.
    Thanks again, Juergen

  9. Hi Anna and Vin,
    Caroline Craddock here. Thank you for opening up this online course. I stay so busy with my practice that I can’t ever make the time to schedule a face to face with you guys.
    This week I have been practicing the technique of clearing my mind, it seems I can last about 2-3 minutes before I get overwhelmed with the attempt. But I keep trying.
    I saw an owl the other day, huge old grey guy sitting close to the road, which is odd because he was so close to the roadway. When I stopped the car to watch him, he looked at me for a long time. He would check his environment periodically but then refocus on me. His eyes were soft and had a message for me. I tried to say in my mind that I was not there to hurt him, but only to observe him in his beauty. I think he was telling me to allow things to happen around me and to watch them closely. To be alert but quiet.
    A doe walked across my car path when I was just about 2 houses from mine. Usually, the deer here are in groups of 3 or more, but this time it was a solitary doe. She did not run across my path, but walked quietly in front of me. I tried to imagine why she was so quiet crossing the road, and it dawned on me that she too was telling me to be quiet and listen.
    Thank you Anna and Vin for introducing me to this wonderful new communication. I can’t wait for this week’s lesson.

  10. Wow – With my horse (Merlin), I have started riding bareback / bridleless. I have said out loud what I’d like to do…… circles, 1/4er line, serpentines, diagonals…… and I get it. With my cat (Mr. Leon), he has wanted to play more and I have a better understanding of when he wants to eat.
    A few mule deer in the canyon slowed me down, thanks! I really liked the suggestion to use the opposite hand, it accentuated some things for me. Looking forward to next week.

  11. Anna and Vin, You both work so well together making this class available to us, thanks so much. I have taken 3 other animal communication classes and feel so fortunate to be a part of this one. Anna you give so much information about so many different aspects that I never thought of i.e. Animals different ways of communicating and finding the best way for that personality. Different questions not to lead but focus on open questions. The homework was excellent last week. A crow flew in front of me seemed like a strong message of some kind. I thought to myself I wish it was 3 crows then I saw the tree it flew into had 2 other crows. Walking the dogs today we came upon a big field with a large gaggle of geese. I felt them tense as we approached and prepare for a takeoff. I sent them the message we would not get close and go the other way so they could rest. They did not fly away and it felt like they were thankful. Because of the class I’m paying more attention to my surroundings and signals from animals and nature. Tonight right before the class started there was the biggest moon rising in the East. Very bright spectacular. Thank you for your great detail and organized way of addressing so many different subjects. It is a privilege to be a part of this class. Thank you for sharing your gift and insights.

  12. Hi Anna and Vin,
    I didn’t get to listen to the call tonight and am so happy to see that I can listen to the recording tomorrow when I have some quiet time. I hadn’t had any animals cross my (that I noticed) until today. I was out training my agility dog and a small group of Sandhill cranes flew over – LOUDLY!! Looked them up and I sure like the message they bring to me!! I also had some good quiet-mind time yesterday, standing with my eyes closed “watching” the sunset! What a lovely experience 🙂 Looking forward to hearing tonight’s class. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us.

  13. Mysti and I so enjoyed our consultation with Anna last night at the end of Session 2! Mysti has had a different spring in her step and sparkle in her eye this morning. Thanks for choosing us and I look forward to Session 3!

    Kat & Mysti

  14. As others have mentioned, I, too, struggle desperately to quiet my mind, as well as ‘wanting’ this so very much. I have no trouble with working hard, it’s the not working so hard, the acceptance-that really can be challenging. BUT- although I am not ‘hearing’ things from my cats-we talk-and I talk much more to the older guy (Chancey) and the little girl (MiniMe)-and Chancey has ALWAYS been verbal anyway, so easy to understand-but I am also noticing other animals (at a friends’ house, with whom I am very familiar and friendly)-giving me more attention-Addie, the dog-is noticably ‘all over me’ when I come over to the house-(she wants to be a lap dog, but sadly 90 LBS makes it tough…. :)-she’s a big girl-but even her owner noticed the other day and said I don’t know why she’s doing that to you-but, perhaps, at least I like to think so-she is thanking me-encouraging me-saying, hey it’s cool that you are even TRYING to talk to us-and I take great honor from that-it inspires and encourages me even more.
    thanks again Anna and Vin for such a great opportunity of learning and I look forward to Wed session 3!
    Laura, Ohio

  15. Hi Anna & Vin,

    I want to thank you both for starting this communication course. I wont be able to phone in during sessions, but I wanted to let you know I asked my dog Gizmo why he was affraid of Motorcycle’s. He barks and goes crazy when they go by. I did get a response. I saw a dogs head with big ears. I’m not fully sure what it means. I think that maybe the sound hurts him. Any ideas??

  16. From our Friend Denise in Nebraska – Thanks Denise! 🙂

    Hello from chilly Nebraska. Last week I visited Austin, stayed at a lovely hotel that happened to be home to two Royal Swans. The feathered brothers spend the day interacting with guests and the koi residents swimming below them in their pond. One quiet afternoon I, along with my seven year old granddaughter, were again visiting Butch and Sundance. As we sat on the edge of the pool I grounded myself mentally and was thankful for some quiet time. Within minutes my “energy filled” Kataryna curled up and was silently watching the swans. What seemed like seconds later the “boys”, in turn, relaxed their long necks back and tucked their beaks into their wings. With eyes closed they floated next to Kataryna. It was as if the three of them were napping together. The only sound was the gentle flow of the waterfall into the pool. An amazing feeling of total calm surrounded us. What a blessing in a most unusual setting. Denise Maryanski

  17. Hi Anna and Vin,
    Thank you so much for putting this seminar together as well as this forum and the replays. I plan on saving everything to go over and over in the future, in hopes that there will be something else there to help me.
    At this point I’m feeling a bit discouraged. As others have said, I’m finding it difficult simply to get my mind to quiet. When I do manage what I think is a quiet mind, nothing happens, even if I try to reach out to one of my pets. Just the shifting grayness inside my eyelids. I thought I had something one early morning when I tried – I thought my Jack Russell, Joker, said “I love you, Mama”. I have never used the term “Mama” when speaking to him or referring to myself in conversations with others, though we do call him a Mama’s boy! I was encouraged at that at first until I realized we do use the word and nothing even remotely feels like more than my natural connection to them through daily interactions.
    Ah, well, you said this can be challenging and maybe I am wanting this too much. Don’t worry, I’ll keep trying!
    Sue van Eesteren, I live in Broomfield and would love to see if any of us can connect. I hope I get to meet Anna some day, too. I saw her at an evening presentation with Melissa Pierce last fall but didn’t get a chance to actually talk to her. She and her wonderful horse are amazing!
    Kate Steffes

  18. When Anna mentioned in the last session that she could feel things in her own body it was like a switch turned on. I swore I had an urinary tract infection this summer but the doctor said no – a couple of days later Olly my dog had one. Within 24 hours of him starting antibiotics I felt better. The next time I had that same feeling, I muscle tested Olly’s meds and sure enough his amoxicillin tested positive. I took him to the university on the off chance he had an infection, the cultures came back negative – no infection, 3 days later I rushed him to my local vet with a infection that was so bad he had dark red blood all over his belly. Once again he started meds and I felt better. This happed so many times that our local vet finally gave up running cultures and started giving amoxicillin as soon as I brought him in; it was a joke, test for infection, nothing, 2 to 3 days later a horrible infection. A few weeks ago my lower back started to hurt, the pain was so bad that I was in tears one night, and then I would get stabbing pains by my left kidney. I said to my boyfriend something must be going on. We went to the university for Olly’s chemo appt and I mentioned that he seemed okay but I just had a feeling that there was something. It turns out his prostate tumor had grown through his stent and his bladder couldn’t empty which was causing pain in his back & hips and his left kidney was dead. The day before his kidney values were good and he wanted to play, he even peed a normal amount before we left for the university that morning, Olly’s favorite oncology nurse later told me as soon as I walked out the door he dropped the I’m okay look. A few hours later I got the call; the blockage was 100%, there was nothing they could do. It wasn’t until Anna said she could feel the animals that I truly believe what I had felt during all of this. Thank you Anna for the confirmation

  19. I had a very interesting week. I met with a beautiful jumper,who at first did not seem to want to talk but then he started licking me all over my body. He continued this for 10 min., and as he did I received the vision of a foal being licked by its mother. When I understood that he was telling me that I was being born into a new level of communication, he stopped. He then showed me what he called his higher self which he used to communicate with me. Then he also showed me what he called his lower or temporal self and I was directed to some areas of his body that where causing him some problems. Have you had animals that showed you this “higher” self?

  20. Hi Anna and Vin,

    I have so enjoyed the classes. I have had a series of communications in the last two years where animals have reached out to me, but this is the first time that I have initiated. I wanted to share my experience connecting with my golden retriever Potter. I was having trouble quieting my mind so I waited until one morning, shortly after I woke up. I asked Potter what he would like to share with me. He immediately popped into view, but he had this huge fox like tail wrapped around him. I was trying to move my perspective, but he kept moving behind the huge tail, so it was in the way. I thought, what on earth is going on. Then I realized I had bushed his tail yesterday. He hates to have his tail brushed. He was making it very clear, look my tail is perfect. No, need to brush this tail. As soon as I understood, the communication stopped. What a nice way to start the morning!
    Thank you Anna for this gift of understanding.

  21. Hi Anna,

    A big thanks from myself and Gizmo. An emotional week now clarified. Since our session on Saturday I have replayed Lesson 3 over and over. I understand now the mirror images you spoke about. WoW. Gizmo has been so attentive since then. I feel like I can really share myself with him, and he knows it. Also with the grace of God and my new knowledge, I can now fix this problem we discussed without hurting anyones feelings.

  22. Hi Anna and Vin,

    I wanted to share what I received when communicating with Ollie. I kept seeing him lying down. He just kept showing lying down. He also shared that there was a corner and a cream and reddish (deep red) carpet or rug. The design was more cream background and small red, diamond to very small almond shapes connected by small red lines. He also indicated that he was sad but he was okay with that. I did not pick up on the licking his front legs as you had told us is class but I did want to share with you what I did pick up on.

    Thanks to both of you, I am learning and validating so much in my life.

  23. Hi Anna,
    Wanting to share what I got when I tuned in to Excaliber prior to last week’s session. When I asked what he wanted to share, I saw a grey furry creature between his legs and movement like they were playing. It seemed to be a companion or something to have fun with. When I asked what the physical aspect was, I saw his left front leg in a bucket of liquid. It seemed make his leg feel better. I was not able to be on the webinar until the end and missed about an hour of it so I may have missed some feedback from you about him and what others said. Does any of this make sense?

  24. Thank you sooooo much for this past wks exercise! You gave it at a perfect time…i had my grandson for the past couple wks (he’s home now) son moved back home…i had a terrible chest cold…i’ve been so off balance in every aspect…When you walked me through the medization it was a total revival on all levels..everything is falling into place. Thank you again!

  25. Thank you again Anna for this wonderful webinar course. I myself have not stepped out into the realm of “true and honest communication” such as this and I find it very informational and inspiring.
    I hope theses sessions will be available to us for a while, because I know I will want to listen to them over and over.
    God’s Speed and Angle Lights to you and those you bring a voice to.


  26. Anna and Vin,
    Thank you ever so much for the webinar classes…sad to have it come to the went by so fast..the tools you have provided will definitely be used.I am anticipating next years class! May the blessings be.

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