Update on Lola ~ Premarin Foal gentled by Anna

Hi Anna 🙂  I am a friend of Brooke Baxter’s and my little filly, Lola, is  premarin foal who you gentled.  Actually, Lola is now on the back cover of your foal training DVD!  I just wanted to send you a quick note of thanks…for providing our angel with a ray of light and a place to hope.  I believe she actually told

Lola, Boude and Red

you she had found a home before coming to us.  She most certainly started coming to me in dreams and even told me what state she was residing in during a meditation 🙂  In the end, she traveled half across the US, and that was after already traveling to the east coast from Cananda, to find her place called home, with us.  We are blessed, each and every day, by her grace, beauty, and wisdom.  Thank you again.

With love and many blessings for and with the animals,

Beth Sabor

A Natural Path to Wellness for Animals and their Human Companions
www.holisticessence.com ~

PS:  I attached a more recent picture so you can see how she is growing up 🙂  The big guy is my 4 yr old belgian from a local rollover trailer accident, Boude and our wise old man, Red, is a 37 year old TW.


Photo Gallery of the Mares & Foals from ROTH’s Foal Rescue 2011

We are in the process of rescuing 12 Foals, all remaining horses, and shutting down a former P.M.U. breeding farm in Canada.

To make a donation to our 2011 Canadian Foal Rescue, simply click HERE. For more information on how you can help in other ways, through sponsorship, adoption, fostering or more contact us at info@reachouttohorses.com.

To find out more about the effort to save these foals please click here.

Introducing….the 4-Part DVD….Success Foals In Training

May I introduce to you the PMU foals gentled during my week at Ray of Light Farms. A documentary film crew journeyed with us and we now present the 4-part DVD set. This DVD is unique, truly one of its kind and brings light to the Premarin Industry. Its a must for any PMU, foal or untouched horse guardian. Please support us by viewing this clip in prep for our March launch!

These horses are the “disposable by-productions from the production of Premarin – hormone replacement therapy to ease symptoms of menopause made from pregnant mares urine. Equine Angels Rescue Sanctuary works directly with the farmers to avoid traumatic auction sales to killer buyers.

Horse whisperer gentles PMU weanlings – foals in training, CT

Nearly 6,000 foals leave Canada each year as a bi-product of the hormone replacement therapy drug, Premarin. As their mother’s urine is collected on the pee-line, the foal’s destiny is even less bright, unless saved. Equine Angels & Ray of Light Farms, CT celebrate the arrival of 10 weanlings, while Anna Twinney of Reach Out to Horses arranges the FIRST foal gentling clinic of this kind. Follow the foal’s first week in training.

These foals have come a long way since their arrival at the farm in late October. Anna Twinney has guided students to successfully gentle the foals who previously had little to no human interactions. Now the foals are learning to accept being approached, touched, groomed, haltered, led, have feet picked up and picked out, among other things; and are learning that working with people can be a positive experience.  http://www.rayoflightfarm.org/Premarins_2010.htm

It’s a Marathon not a Sprint

Trailering Techniques using food as reward!!!


There is an art to understanding the language of Equus, especially when it comes to trailer loading. Are you shutting your horse down? Are you using too much pressure? Are you only using negative reinforcement? Let Ima, a PMU mare from Ray of Light Farms, share her story with you through her body language. Watch the effects of positive reinforcement & where food can be used as rewar


The horse is a holy creature
sent to this earth to remind us of the Divine
He is uniquely connected to us.
He is our benevolent companion
and our guide
to the beingness we have forgotten.

His four strong legs carry us when we are weak
from the burdens of life.
His beauty inspires us
when our eyes are weary from crying.
His spirit uplifts us when our hearts lie dormant.

Let us not forget. Let us not abandon him
or any of his kind.
Let us not relegate him to a beast of burden
but acknowledge his unselfish gifts.

Let us always care for him
as long as his legs touch the earth and beyond.

He is our reminder of what grace is
He is our return to grace.

Only by awakening to the true awareness of the horse
can we ever expect to understand him.
He speaks to us in the language of the heart, not the mind.
His true self is only given to those who seek to comprehend.

Only those who ask
rather than demand
will receive his undying loyalty and generosity of spirit.

to the message of the horse . . .

by Kim Royal

safe travels my friend, Frank

Desensitizing Firsts with PMU’s

Equine Angels PMU youngsters have found heaven on Earth at Centerline Stables in Ossining, NY. During her trip Anna is actively involved with their program & provides tips for progress & success. From first touches, fourth rides, through to trail courses – pride fills the day.

What is Premarin?

Premarina productionMare in a “Pee Line”

The hormone replacement therapy PREMARIN (PREgnant MARes urINe) and other products such as PremPro and PremPhase are taken by millions of women every day. With recent news that these drugs have been medically proven to cause cancer, blood clots, and other harmful medical conditions in women, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals has cut production of Premarin by 50%. Although in the long run this is good news, currently there are 20,000 stallions, mares and foals without homes. Some are being rescued by individuals, some by non-profit groups, but the majority are sent to slaughter for human consumption.

For those pregnant PMU mares who still have their jobs, their days of suffering are far from over. They live each day in cramped stalls too small to even lie down, they are denied free access to water, standing for up to six months in a “pee-line” with rubber collection cups hooked tightly around their urethras. Once they have their foals, they are immediately impregnated and brought back to the “pee-line”. The foals are sent to auction, ultimately to slaughter, since they are a “by-product” of the industry. When the mares are too old to bear any more foals, they are then sent to auction, and like the foals, sent to the slaughter house.

Premarin productionThe Effect the HRT drug Premarin has on women

Over nine million women take Premarin, or some form of Premarin every day. For over 50 years, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals has been marketing Premarin which was FDA approved in 1942. This “miracle drug” Premarin, produced by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, earns over $1 billion dollars every year, all at the expense of thousands of mares, foals and women.

The women’s health initiative (www.whi.org) conducted a 5 year government funded study on the effects HRT has on women and the findings were astounding. The HRT drug, Premarin, has been tested and proven to cause serious health problems in women. Blood clots, diabetes, ovarian cancer, dementia and alzheimers are only some of the problems women who have taken Premarin are facing today.

Our goal at Equine Voices Rescue & Sanctuary is to be a voice for the horses that need us, and also a voice for women who are faced with the difficult decision of whether to take Premarin or an equivalent HRT drug. I ask you to please take a serious look at the effects the Premarin industry has on women and look deeper into the issues surrounding the production of Premarin and comparable drugs. I hope you will take this information and consult with your doctor about cruelty free, plant based or synthetic alternatives to Premarin.

Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy
by Cheryl Hoard

I am frequently asked questions about alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy. The use of herbs, essential oils and hydrosols gives more options to adapt to changes during menopause. Herbalism is most effective when used in a holistic approach, which is integration of the body, mind and spirit. Changes during menopause happen not only to the body, but to the mind an

Horse Slaughter

The Truth About Slaughter

Currently there are two foreign owned slaughter plants in Texas (Bel-Tex and Crown), and a third recently re-opened in Illinois, (Cavel International). According to the Department of Agriculture, over 100,000 horses are slaughtered a year alone in the U.S. and Canada, and with the re-opening of Cavel International more will be slaughtered this year. In addition, thousands of horses are inhumanely transported from the U.S. to Mexico, dramatically increasing the numbers of American horses killed for human consumption.

Horses are treated inhumanely when shipped in double-decker cattle trucks, for hours, without food, water or rest. Upon arrival at the slaughter house, many too weak to stand, they are cattle prodded, dragged and whipped into the “kill box”, only to wait for their inevitable fate. Although Federal law requires that horses must be rendered unconscious prior to having their throats slit, many horses endure repeated blows by the bolt pistols which drives a spike into their skulls. Many times the equipment is faulty, and the horses are conscious when having their throats slit.

Horse Slaughter is not just for Premarin Horses

Not only are Premarin mares, foals and stallions bound for slaughter, but it’s estimated that one third of slaughter bound horses are bred for racing. Horses removed from the wild through the BLM program, rodeo horses, camp horses, show horses, “backyard” horses, rental horses and stolen horses are all targets fort he “killer buyers” who act as middlemen for the slaughter houses. Making cat or dog food is not the reason for killing horses, the European and Japanese palate is.

So Why are we killing American horses for the European and Japanese to enjoy?

As long as horse slaughter plants are operating, and horse slaughter is legal in certain states, it is easy for people to discard their healthy, young, old, injured and unwanted horses, and for a profit, since they are sold by the pound. It is also just as easy for “killer buyers” to obtain these horses and sell them to the slaughter house.

Reasons pro-slaughter forces use to justify supporting horse slaughter:

Myth – If horse slaughter becomes illegal, there would be too many horses in our country and not enough homes for them.
Truth – Of the 6,900,000 estimated horse population in the U.S. less than 1% of horses are slaughtered or “processed”. In addition, if horse slaughter is banned, horse theft will be almost eliminated, breeders will be more selective in how many horses are bred each year, PMU farms will reduce the number of mares bred, or individuals who have horses that can no longer be used for rodeos, horse racing, etc. would have to take responsibility in either finding another home, retire them to a sanctuary or responsibly euthanize them.

Myth – Their concerns are humanitarian, not financially driven.
Truth – Abuse happens every day, and more so in the horse industry. From the time the horse is in the feed lot, taken to auction, put on the double decker trucks (for 36 hours without food or water), to the time they are unloaded at the slaughterhouse, these horses endure a tremendous amount of suffering. Once in the slaughterhouse they see other horses being slaughtered, they smell the blood, they hear the screams and they see their friends being hoisted up by one leg, usually still conscious and alive and bled to death. Most horses are the by-product of the for profit horse industry, and slaughter is a quick and profitable way of discarding all unwanted horses.

To see the horrors behind the slaughterhouse doors click on www.sharkonline.org/horseslaughter.mv (please note the video footage is extremely graphic).
To view pictures of horses in the slaughter house click on www.kaufmanzoning.net/horsemeat/SlaughterPhotos.htm

Myth – The AVMA and USDA ensures the horses destined for slaughter are treated humanely and have experts who make professional recommendations enforcing the regulations.
Truth – The footage taken over the years proves this is not the case. Statements taken from slaughterhouse workers, police officers and many others comment that horses are severely dismembered, abused and tortured while still alive. There are not enough experts that can monitor the atrocities that happen in the slaughterhouse plants.

Myth – Many people can’t afford to humanely euthanize their horse.
Truth – The truth is that the average American horse owner would prefer to euthanize his/her horse rather than sending them to the slaughter. However, many individuals think their horse is going to a good home (through an auction or to an individual in the business to sell horses to slaughter) and without their knowledge are being sold to the slaughterhouses. It is documented that 78% of horses being slaughtered are healthy companion animals. Furthermore, most people who have horses have the financial means to pay a veterinarian to humanely euthanize their horse. Having horses is not a “hobby” for the poor.

Myth – If we don’t have horse slaughter plants in the U.S. old, sick and dying horses would have no where to go.
Truth – The truth is, that over 78% of horses slaughtered each year, are our healthy companion animals, foals and wild horses and burros removed from public lands by the BLM (estimated 90% of the wild horses and burros are sent to slaughter concedes Tom Pogacnick, Director of BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program).

Are we going to allow these myths to continue to fool the public as to the real reasons behind horse slaughter?

Help us end slaughter by donating. Your donations will got toward our campaign efforts to end slaughter in America.

Spread the Word About Equine Voices Rescue & Sanctuary

Spread the word about Premarin. If you are taking any hormone replacement therapy derived from horses urine, please ask your doctor about natural alternatives.

Spread the word about the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign.

Tell your family and friends about us. Contact us for free brochures to hand out to friends.

Let everyone you know about the slaughter issue and how they can help end slaughter in America

Give a PMU mare or foal a loving home

There are several ways to help. Explore these links for the possibilities.

Adopt a PMU
Take one home with you either through our adoption program here at Equine Voices Rescue & Sanctuary or let us help you adopt a PMU mare or foal directly from the farmer in North Dakota. For featured mares and foals, please visit PMUrescue.org.

Sponsor a Horse
Monthly support for a horse at Equine voices Rescue & Sanctuary.

Foster a Horse
Do you have a temporary loving home to foster a horse?


In order to continue our rescue efforts we desperately need donations. This year thousands of PMU mares and foals will need homes, or they will be left behind to be sent to auction and slaughter. Each time we rescue a PMU horse, we must pay the fees established. For the foals the average is $400 per foal and for the mares anywhere from $600 – $1,000 per mare. This does not include transportation costs. Please help us give these horses a second chance at life!

Your generous donation of $100, $75, $50, $25 even $10 will help us with our rescue efforts. In addition we need to build more fencing and paddocks to house the horses until they are placed in their adoptive homes. Your donations will also be used for hay purchases, supplements, veterinarian costs, farrier costs and help us continue our advocacy work.

Visit www.equinevoices.org for further details

ROTH new Foal Gentling DVD Filming

If you haven’t heard, Anna traveled to Ray of Light Farm in East Haddam, CT to film, in partnership with Equine Angels Rescue Sanctuary, the new Reach Out to Horses Foal Gentling DVD series, scheduled to come out in mid 2010.  She worked with some beautiful foals rescued from the Premarin manufacturing farms in Canada.  They were some of the most precious, special and smart little guys and girls she’s ever worked with.  One was even fortunate enough to be adopted at the end of the filming week!

And the DVD series is going to be just as special as the foals.  This isn’t going to be a just another “horse video”.  We have brought together an INCREDIBLE group of professionals to make the best, state of the art, documentary quality, instructional video tool you will ever see.

When you see what this collaboration has created, you will be as blown away as we are.  This is a must have tool for anyone working with, training and gentling foals.

Thanks to Ray, Bonnie, Mum, and then entire crew for an amazing experience. You are all the BEST!



Each year, millions of women take Premarin, a drug prescribed to alleviate the symptoms of menopause and once believed to prevent osteoporosis. While the NIH (National Institute of Health) study has exposed many of the serious risks associated with HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and has reduced the number of women now taking Premarin or PremPro there remains an untold story of the dark side of the industry…

What many of these women don’t realize is that Premarin is derived from pregnant mare urine. (PREgnant MAre uRINe), and that the mares used to produce the urine are kept in inhumane conditions.

Because these mares are perpetually impregnated, the foals they produce must continually be disposed of.  Most are sold for slaughter and shipped to Europe and Asia for human consumption.

The pain and suffering of these innocent creatures is all the more tragic when realizing that it is entirely unnecessary…

Find out more about the plight of the Premarin Mares and Foals, the new Wyeth-Ayerst “conjugated estrogen” product, currently in the process of FDA approval, called Aprela and how you can help end the tragic abuse of our equine companions at:
